Thursday, January 21, 2010

Have a disorganized post!

Teaching is hard.
Whew! Its been a while since I've posted.  To be honest, it's been pretty uneventful for me.  I'm almost done with my third week of work.  Let's see, how do I feel about it..  Well, this week, it's been a rollercoaster ride. The kids seem to be behaving terribly for reasons I can't see or understand.  To make it all worse, I've also been getting observed this week. Basically my boss comes and sits in the room while I teach.  It's incredibly nervewracking and made my lessons much clumsier than usual.  She observed me on Monday and will observe me a few more times in the future. (I thought she was going to observe me today, but, I guess something came up.)
Although I realize that my classes don't go that smoothly and that I need to work on my technique, I'd rather improve by observing other classes and taking notes rather than being observed and then sitting down to a one-hour discussion about how much I suck.  I just feel like a nervous wreck after that kinda thing.. but, oh well.

A bunch of coworkers and myself at a local bar.
Weather = slightly less horrible
The weather has been pretty cold, still, but it hasn't snowed again.  Yesterday it heated up to almost 40F, so, a lot of the snow melted. The walk to work is SIGNIFICANTLY nicer now that the sidewalks aren't all covered in thick layers of ice.

Foggy Korea is Foggy! Iceless sidewalk, yay!

I've been out to Seoul a little, but only the foreigner-dominated zones. I'd like to see the sights once it gets decent out, but until then I'm mostly just going to bars and whatnot with some of the other teachers. I really wanna get some independence, but first, I need my Alien Registration card. It MIGHT be ready for me to pick up tomorrow..  But maybe not, it might be Monday or Tuesday when it's ready.. nevertheless, I'm excited to get it. I'm gonna get a cellphone as soon as I can!

Food picture for dad: Korean version of a California Roll. Spicy and delicious!

Anecdote time!
Well, I guess I should share the only thing of interest so far. I went out to the foreigner area, Hongdae. It's known for having tons of dance clubs and western-style bars, packed with foreigners.  I went out with a bunch of the girls from the school--It was freezing cold outside but we just went from one bar to the next, dancing, chatting, and drinking.  In one of the bars, there was a Korean man who was shirtless and acting completely drunk, dancing around with people and whatnot.  Kinda strange, but nothing too unusual.. until he got up on a table and got completely naked, and then just.. stood there. Staring into space, naked.  It was a combination of hilarious and confusing.  He was up there for a while, too-- there's no bouncers at that bar, so someone had to go get bouncers from the bar next door to throw the guy out.  A pretty bizarre occurrence, indeed! 


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