Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Got my ARC!

Today I finally got my Alien Registration Card!  Wooo!  So, that leaves a few big things to get done:
1. Get a bank account set up (tomorrow, possibly?)
2. Get a cellphone
3. Get internet service set up in my room

There's other stuff I need to do or get, but, yanno-- I won't even think about those things until I'm finished with the current stuff.

I snapped a bunch of pictures, so, here they are!

A view of the teacher's room. All of those cubicle-y desks are for teachers. The strange pink cubicle in the left of the picture is where I'm at. I get the special desk. (aka: there's nowhere else for me to sit.) It's hard to see in the picture but it's crammed really tight-- there's more desks on the other side of the cubicles on the left, and also on the right. So we're looking at the middle aisle, but there's two more aisles on either side. Packed!!

Some snapshots from my walk to work.

This is a library I pass while I walk to work.

These are some houses I pass.

Some more. I dont see too many houses like this, so I enjoy looking at them.

After I pass the neighborhood, I walk through a park. Here is a nice part.

All parks have these sorta exercise machines in them. Anybody can use them, but mostly I see old people hanging out. (There are some tennis courts to the left, though they're not that visible here.)

Well, that's all I have to say. I didn't go out last weekend or do anything interesting because I got really bad cold. I'm hoping that it starts to clear up soon. I don't feel that bad anymore, though my voice is still hoarse and I'm coughing a little.  Apparently, foreigners here have a hard time staying healthy here and get colds very often.  I will do my best to prevent that.

Well, I'll post again when I get a phone.. or something else interesting happens.

One last picture. Just part of the walk.

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